
A South Australian primary school with 550 students raised over $10,000 in 4 weeks using this unique program! Run a successful Spell-a-thon using the posters, special hints, checklists, forms, certificates, word lists, vouchers, labels and more. Use this program on any computer with Microsoft Word 6.0c or later installed so you can edit and print any page for your own school requirements. Supplied via download using the instant download link supplied in your invoice and/or via My Account>Downloadable Products after purchase. PLEASE NOTE - This product is given FREE with Reading & Spelling Tests ebook purchase via the eLibrary link on p129 or 130.
$29.95 incl GST
$9.95 incl GST


A South Australian primary school with 550 students raised over $10,000 in 4 weeks using this unique program! Run a successful Spell-a-thon using the posters, special hints, checklists, forms, certificates, word lists, vouchers, labels and more. Use this program on any computer with Microsoft Word 6.0c or later installed so you can edit and print any page for your own school requirements. 

Supplied via the instant download link supplied in your invoice and/or via My Account>Downloadable Products after purchase.

PLEASE NOTE - This product is given FREE with Reading & Spelling Tests ebook purchase via our eLibrary link on p129 or 130!

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Base Words Level A eBook - CURRENTLY FREE!

To download for free, simply register as a customer, add this item to your shopping cart and then click checkbox to agree and process. The download link will become immediately available via your My Account>Downloadable Products. **Go to My Account>Downloadable Products after processing** ........................................................................PLEASE NOTE: Any other paid-for ebooks purchased separately, are supplied separately via a dedicated link in a follow-up email after they are manually digitally encoded with your registered name details. Please allow up to 24 hours for any paid-for ebooks to be processed. ........................................................................"Down to Earth" spelling program containing 34 units of spelling work covering the first 400 commonly used words, in order of frequency, with easy instruction format and incorporating low-level essential grammar tasks for key words covered. If the work in this ebook is too difficult or too easy for your child, please check the related ebooks below, listed in order of difficulty depending on your child's current reading, writing and spelling skills. SCROLL DOWN for more information about how to plan and follow a path for success.
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Base Words Level B eBook

"Down to Earth" spelling program containing 34 units of spelling work covering 400 commonly misspelled words, from the first 1000 frequently used words with harder instruction format and incorporating higher-level essential grammar tasks for key words covered. **Go to My Account>Downloadable Products after processing**
$32.95 incl GST $14.95 incl GST